I have found myself increasingly working with clients with infertility issues, which can be classified as a sign of our times. Couples are holding back from having children in order to improve their career prospects and financial security to offer their families the support and home that will give them ..Continue Reading
I would like to introduce you to my friend Suzanne who is an extremely gifted and insightful mobile therapist. Suzanne gives psychic body scans, readings, reading the human auras and she can heal clients emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. She also offers guidance and counseling on moving forward for a ..Continue Reading
Firstly, what is Kefir? Kefir is a fermented milk drink which is very easy to make, by fermenting the milk with Kefir “grains” which break down the lactose in the milk. It looks like soft cauliflower florets but in fact it is a living community of around 40-50 types of ..Continue Reading
How have I not written a blog on backache when so many people suffer from it? Anyone that suffers from backache will tell you how much it affects their lives, it is with them day and night. I just want to say please, please give Reflexology a try, I am ..Continue Reading