Chest infections and Reflexology

HI everybody, at a time when many have viruses and chest infections that won’t shift, I just wanted to mention that this is the time to call me.  From my findings and that of my clients, when the body doesn’t seem to be doing enough to move on an infection and appears to get stuck, Reflexology can be most useful.  I am not saying that it is a cure all, for it is what your body does once you have had  a treatment that it really comes into its own.  A wonderful new client this week wrote the evening after a reflexology treatment “I feel very revived after this afternoon and I had a looser cough after treatment. So positive energy”.   On this particular case I could hear during my treatment how her cough had changed but it is always lovely to hear from my clients when they notice the difference.

It may only take one session to aid the body to commence recovery, but you’ll never know how it can help until you try.




Contact me to book an appointment today.