Plantar Fasciitis

I often receive calls from prospective clients asking whether I can help them with the Plantar Fasciitis condition.  My response would be, that I think a session of Reflexology could be very interesting and hopefully very helpful with this condition. I cannot predict how their bodies are going to respond to a treatment, however I certainly believe that Reflexology could be most beneficial for them to at least see me once, so that I can ensure that they are doing everything they can to give themselves the greatest opportunity of improving/clearing this condition.

I remember visiting one of my lovely clients a little while ago who had been suffering with Plantar Fasciitis for 3 years, telling me that she could not walk the dog, or even carry out her line of work. She had been to a podiatrist who had made her a plaster cast to wear at night, but after wearing it for 6 months or so every night, she had gained no relief, and little sleep!!

So I recorded her full case history, including medications and on-going conditions. Then we discussed fully what she had been doing to improve her condition. 

She had been taking Ibroprofren for pain relief and anti inflammatory relief – which barely touched the pain these days.    I ran through several exercises that I know really help with this condition,  along with a request that she wear good ‘air trainers’ inside and outside the house until the condition subsides.  Additionally I recommended silicone heel inserts with removable tear drops to either disperse the pressure outside the heel or remove the tear drop for pressure to be placed in the centre of the heel.   Also to take good rest periods off her feet, with her legs raised, preferably above the heart, (legs either propped up against the wall or draped over the back of the sofa) as often as she could.  Once contraindications had been checked as to whether I could/could not treat the client, the client laid back in my chair.  I gave my client a full 55 minute treatment. The client found the heel extremely sensitive and painful to pressure as you would expect, and I worked firmly over the rest of the foot, listening for further client feedback.  

The client informed me that when she previously saw her podiatrist she was given the same/similar exercises, but she was never actually shown how to do them or watched to make sure she was doing them correctly. She said that by practising these exercises with me helped her to realise how these exercises could help her.  I showed her a few other exercises to help her to realign the spine, encouraging daily practise.

I returned a week later for a second appointment, and what a change;  my client looked a lot better. She had a smile on her face. She said the treatment last week had picked her up considerably and the pain in her foot was diminishing. She also added that she had been doing the exercises shown to her three times a day and had bought some silicone heels.  This news delighted me. I absolutely love it when clients wish to help themselves because ultimately they will gain far more from my treatments with self-help in between.    I am pleased to report that after another session, my client was out walking the dog over the park, happier than she had been in a long time.  I did however advise her to continue her exercises daily and once she had fully recovered, to keep an eye on any returning pain and to watch the shoes that she wears – particularly to avoid flip flops.

One of my male clients reported that he found Paver shoes extremely helpful as they are incredibly soft and well supported slip-on shoes. Although they are not something that I would recommend for a while when you have been suffering from this condition. Lace up shoes are more supportive and reduce friction on the plantar aspect of the foot.

There are many reasons why we can get Plantar Fascilitis, and it is no good me saying Reflexology will cure all, because it is simply not true. However in the case above, the exercises with reflexology was all it took to give relief after 3 years of suffering. She was incredibly lucky.


After much research on this condition here some suggestions on self help:

If you are into sport involving high impact upon the feet, it is recommended that you take a break for a while to give the body a real chance to heal.  Watch out for football boots as there is very little protection for the feet and if you really must play while you have this condition, ice the soles of your feet after playing and get your feet up higher than the heart for a good rest as often as possible.

Wear good shoe supports in ‘air trainers’ inside and outside the home until the condition improves. Always be aware that mules/flip flops and slip-on shoes can inflame the soles by creating friction.

Stretch out the calf muscles. I have a whole selection of exercises for this; and if you should book an appointment with me, I will teach you as many self help tools to hopefully relieve the problem.


What can Reflexology do for Plantar Fascilitis?

Reflexology reduces inflammation, pain, fluid retention and swelling & improves circulation.  What I have found is that when someone is suffering from any condition, the whole body around the area affected tenses up.  Reflexology relaxes the whole body and mind, bringing back homeostasis.  You can expect self improvement, pain relief and happiness. 

I have been advised to keep my blog short and sweet – but I have so much information to impart on this topic. So please do ring for an appointment so that we can start working towards a pain-free way of walking again. 
